Sunday, January 31, 2010

Happy Anniversary, Blog!

This blog turned one year old today! Okay, I lied. One year and a day. I totally forgot to blog yesterday. Tehe.

Let's take a look back. One year and a day ago, I had the crazy idea to start a blog with Tina and Laura. They reluctantly agreed with much trepidation. We didn't know much about blogging actually. We were blogging noobies! There was a handful of blogs I followed. And thought it would be fun if we had a blog to call our very own. We can't believe we've reached our blog anniversary. And people, real people, actually read this blog...and did us the kindness of becoming followers. This is where I say thanks. Thanks!

Anyway, you know TV shows that run out of new ideas and just play clips of old episodes. And it's really annoying because they try to pass it off as new. Well, that's exactly what I'm going to do right now! For our new followers, it'll be like new! Am I right??

Here are a few things you may not know about the 3 Sisters:

The 3 Sisters celebrated another big day on this blog.

The Hunger Games is one of the 3 Sisters' favorite book.

Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince is one of the 3 Sisters' favorite movie.

Tina's daughters, Carmen and Rachel, are a huge part of the 3 Sisters' lives. Carmen is only seven years old but is already an aspiring artist. Check out her artwork. Rachel, on the other hand, is a very mischievous little four-year-old who likes to say it like it is. Read stories about these two silly girls.

Tara doesn't have any kids, but it doesn't mean people don't bug her about it. Read about it here.

Laura is the baby of the family and went off to college last year. Tara wrote her a letter, and Laura sent a response.

Laura is an art and graphic design major. See some of her earlier works here and here.

Tara met a celebrity that she loves telling people all about.

See...that was better than a clip show, right? No? No? I promise I'll have a new post for tomorrow. =)


Laura said...

Yay, first anniversary! :.) We're growing up so fast.

Missy May said...

That is the coolest! A whole year of blogging?!? What a big day! I love your blog, so I really hope you'll keep it around for another year!
-Missy May

( P.s. This post also helped me do some "catching up" on your blog!)

Tina said...

I like the way you did the anniversary post. Like a rerun, but not. Cool.

Tara said...

You guys are the best! Thanks!