Yesterday, I saw Angels & Demons. I had read the book a few years ago, so I was interested to see if they had changed anything in the story as they had done in The Da Vince Code. Don't even get me started on that. I was so outraged, I couldn't stop laughing at the ridiculousness. Anyway, it turns out they did change something. (Semi-spoiler Alert!) At the end of the book, the last cardinal is supposed to die. But instead, Robert Langdon (Ton Hanks) saves him and the cardinal is crowned the new pope. I don't remember who is crowned pope at the end of the book, but everything else in the movie was very parallel to the novel, but Ron Howard just looooves changing the ending of Dan Brown novels, doesn't he. How frustrating. (Spoiling over)
Novel vs. Movie
Truthfully, I thought the movie was boring. In the middle, I already decided that I regretted wasting $10 on a movie ticket, when I could have seen Monsters & Aliens or something. The book is very exciting. I remember deciding that I liked reading Angels & Demons more than The DaVince Code. The book was exciting and action-packed. For some reason, the action in the movie is very mellow. I didn't feel the pressure or anxiety of the actors. It probably made it worse, because I had read the book, so I knew what was going to happen. A couple of the friends who came with me, however, had not read the book and really liked the movie. I guess it depends on if you did read it.
I definitely do not recommend watching the film in theater. It is probably better to wait until the film comes out on DVD to rent it. I give it 3 stars.
I liked Angels and Demons better than Da Vinci Code too! And I don't plan on watching this in the theater.
:) My review as made a difference. I'm FAMOUS!
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